About Us


Hello Kozy family,

We are the founders of Koda Kozy

CEO- Caleb Marbury      COO- Jordan Marbury


To share a little bit about myself, I am a stay at home mother of my wonderful son Dakoda Averi. Although he is such a bundle of joy, his sleeping schedule was not.  I am married to my wonderful husband Caleb M. who works very hard to take good care of Dakoda and I, his work requires him to work long overnight hours which through my pregnancy caused me to stay up all through the night waiting for him to come home. Well as you could imagine that schedule also impacted our baby boy, so once Dakoda was born we had to get adjusted to having a baby around. Well as I mentioned, I am a stay at home mom, and my husband works long overnight hours which left me to have to keep Dakoda through the night until 6am in the morning all alone. I had so many sleepless nights, so many nights where me and my baby boy would have to cry each other to sleep. It seemed as if nothing could keep my baby asleep through the night, I would sit in my rocking chair patting him on the back all through the night continuously every night just to get him to sleep for maybe an hour if I was lucky.  The patting on the back seemed to be the only way he would actually go to sleep, and because of that I developed a soreness in my wrist, more so known as “mommy wrists”. My husband knew of my troubles and knew of the pain that it all had costs, so one day we were sitting there once again in the rocking chair, patting our baby to sleep and we just knew their had to be a better way.  That’s when it hit, & that is why we created PatMe, a device that comfortably wraps around our little one and calmly pats him right to sleep,  and he LOVES it.  PatMe has been a game changer for us, because of PatMe we have been able to workout a better sleeping schedule for our baby Dakoda, now when he’s sleepy instead of him being so distracted and also staring at me trying to fight his sleep, I am now able to either play a lullaby or soothing sounds, & wrap the PatMe on him and it puts him right out, every time.


Now that you know how PatMe came about let me introduce to you Koda Kozy. Our goal for Koda Kozy is not just to build a brand, but to build a community, which will also be known as our “Kozy Family” because I know there are more families and mothers alike who are or were facing  similar to the same problems. Now as a family we want to be able to communicate, and be transparent but most importantly being apart of the Kozy family will grant you access to all of our best DEALS, like just by following our pages and joining the Kozy family you will automatically qualify for instant deals on your purchases. And We are constantly working and trying to figure out better ways to experience this new journey called parenthood. So come be apart of the Kozy Family where we will continue to work on developing new products and keep you in the loop for what’s to come next.