PatMe Instructions

Basic Instructions for our Recommended safe and careful use of the PatMe device.

Note: When you plug up the device there is a red LED light that will come on which indicates that the device is charging. When that LED light turns off that indicates that the device is fully charged.

For Ages 0-2 months

Step 1: Set PatMe on a flat surface with patting hand facing down

Step 2: Place your baby on top of the PatMe device and securely strap and/ or buckle your baby.

Step 3: Pick up your baby and gently place your baby on your chest and turn on PatMe.  (Hand should be patting the baby’s bottom). Allow PatMe to pat your baby until your baby is sound asleep.

Step 4: Turn off PatMe device and remove it from your baby before laying your baby down.

For Ages 3-5 months 

Step 1: Set PatMe on a flat surface with patting hand facing down or up.

Step 2: Place your baby on top of the PatMe device and securely strap and/ or buckle your baby.

Step 3: We recommend using the same process as step 4 for the 0-2mo age group. If you prefer to lay your baby down then it is HIGHLY recommended that you closely monitor your baby while PatMe is in use until your baby is sound asleep.

Step 4: Turn off PatMe device and remove it from your baby.

For Ages 6-12 months 

Step 1: Set PatMe on a flat surface with patting hand facing down OR up.

Step 2: Place your baby on top of the PatMe device and securely strap and/ or buckle your baby.

Step 3: Lay your baby down on their side or stomach which ever is necessary and turn on PatMe. It Is HIGHLY recommended that you closely monitor your baby while PatMe is in use until your baby is sound asleep.

Step 4: Turn off PatMe device and remove it from the baby.

Note: PatMe device will not cause any harm to your baby,  although that may be so we highly recommend that each step is followed as listed. We recognize that SIDS could occur at any time during infant stages if your baby sleeps in the wrong position. We recommend that once your baby is asleep, always turn off and remove the device. We do not recommend you leave the device on your baby over night.